Saturday, August 2, 2008

The flavor of your lips is enough to keep me pressin'

So, last night was the Poppin' Champagne video premiere...
one word: AMAZING.
Matt looked so uncomfortable throughout the video though haha.
He better put up some buzznet videos, or I will be disappointed in him. And then the crew won't get any gifts in November. So don't ruin it for everyone, Matt!

Um, last night, Cole pitched pretty bad. It's disappointing to see him like that. It's not his normal self, at all.
Hopefully Blanton pitches well tonight!

Today I was reading Flowers for Algernon and my ipod was playing. It was the part in the book where he discovers that he didn't really have friends, they all thought he was just a big joke...and Lullabies came on. I felt like BAWLING. Those two things - the treatment of retarded people and suicide...well, let's just say, they hit home. I fucking can NOT STAND when someone makes fun of someone else because their brain can't function on the level that theirs does. It makes me so sad, and it also makes me want to punch the tormenter in the face. I almost have before, trust me. They can't defend themselves and they don't understand either. I feel really bad for people that understand that they are being made fun of, but really can't do anything about it. Such as people with Asberger's, for example. I feel bad and hypocrictical, because sometimes I will say "He's such a freak..." but then I immediately reciprocate that statement, because I realize that they can't control it. My mom is a special ed teacher, so I have come into contact with many mentally retarded people over the span of my fourteen years, more than most people do throughout their whole life. I've grown so attached to them too. Seriously, Sammy, this boy in my mom's class, that had down syndrome - I LOVED him. And he loved me too :) I was the only person that he let hold his hand and hug him. I haven't seen that boy in years, and I still think about him and how cute he was. But anyways, WHY oh WHY must we discriminate against people that have no control over their intelligence. There's a difference between people who are just plain stupid and people who are mentally retarded - it's a monumental difference. Stupid people, they choose not to learn. Mentally retarded people CAN'T learn. Their brain doesn't retain the information that ours does.

Alright, I'm done with my mini rant.
Hope my boys win tonight <3


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