Sunday, August 3, 2008

Come on and we'll sing, like we were free

I had to go to church today;
me and Rebecca sat in the nursery and had to read about the Four Agreements.
It was pretty interesting stuff.
Then, my mom had a meeting after church, so Mark and I went to Best Buy to pass the time.
I bought "Everything In Transit" by Jack's Mannequin and "The Sounds Of Love - EP" by the Morning Light. They're both AMAZING c.d.'s, so go pick them up.
I'm sitting here, bored out of my mind, listening to Taylor Swift and watching the Phillies game.
They're down 2-1.
Chase hit number 28, I believe?
Ryan Ludwick can suck my dick though.
I'm sorry. I kid, I kid.

You're tied together with a smile, but you're coming undoneeee....
Sorry, I feel like typing out lyrics, for some reason.

So, I just had, like, inspiration for a fanfic:
Girl is Alex's cousin.
She can sing & play guitar.
She's moving in with the Gaskarth's, because her parents just passed away in a car accident.
Either falls for Jack or Zack;
but she starts going out with Zack's brother?
I don't know, it's gay.
I'll improve on it.
But the character will write Taylor Swift's songs!
Like, for Tied Together With A Smile, it'll be about her because she shows everyone this fake smile, acting like everything is okay, putting up a front. I know that feeling, but whatever. And she's "tied together with a smile, but she's coming undone."
I think she'll go for Jack, he just...seems to fit better.
I don't know.
Sucky idea, I just wanted to get it down....


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