Thursday, August 28, 2008

Waving your banner all over the place...

Me, mom, and grandma Pet went shopping at the Reading outlets yesterday.
I got two new bras, four pairs of underwear, a shirt, two books, a bookbag, and there are some other things I can't remember.
Mom bought me a Notre Dame sweatshirt for my birthday :)
Then we went out to dinner with Aunt Chich, that was nice.


I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all... Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the greatest songs ever written.

I'm getting my hair cut today.

School is too soon. Sorry I have nothing to say. Not like anyone reads this anyway..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's like holding back the wind

So I decided I wanted to write more things I've realized about myself:
I say sorry a LOT, but I do mean it, most of the time.
I have a good memory, but I remember the most pointless things.
Like, I remember things people say really well.
I can't convey what I mean to people clearly. If I'm trying to explain something, I'm not good at making people understand.
I get really pissed off at the tiniest things, but passively mad at things I should have my blood boiling over.
I thank Billie Joe Armstrong for the life I'm living today.
I have a select group that I can tell everything to, and I thank God every day for them.
A lot of the time, I get really upset and want to cry but I can't.
I hate my braces.
Actually, I hate the way I look a lot of the times.
No, that's not me trying to get compliments.
That's me telling you I dislike myself.
I hurt myself the other day, because I was pissed off at everyone and everything.
Nothing major, I just dug my nails into the back of my thighs.
I have a dark mind, darker than you can imagine.
I've contemplated seriously committing suicide.
Green Day kept me going.
I hate when people say anything is possible, because it's NOT.
I like optimism, but please.
I love being really tired and just crashing.
Or really dirty and taking a shower, it feels so nice :)
I hate imposing people.
I don't like being too organized, it makes me really stressed.
I'm allergic to McDonald's.
Pizza is my favorite food.
I like making odd faces in the mirror.
I prefer comfort to style, but I do like to get dressy sometimes :)
If I don't know you, I probably assume I'll hate you, because I hate people pretty much.
Songs rarely make me cry, no matter how sad and how personal I hold them.
I hate losing. At anything.
Mr. Slawter = hero <3
Alex Gaskarth writes amazing blogs.
I love Grady Sizemore and Joe Mauer.
Oh and Jon Lester and Jonathan Papelbon.
You don't understand passion until you've talked to a Philly sports fan - we've gone 100 seasons without a major sports championship, yet we still support and love those teams like no other.
the Phillie Phanatic is the best mascot in sports, don't argue.
I peak at Christmas gifts.
I can't keep my mouth shut.
But I can keep a secret.
I like to read.
Writing is my release.
I try hard to choose words that won't piss people off, but I always say things wrong.
I fumble over words when I speak in front of a class.
I hate obnoxious people that feel you need to know all of their business. Nah, sorry.
Me and my mom bond while driving down the highway singing along to Billy Joel.
I respect all legit musicians. Not Britney Spears, I said LEGIT.
I don't listen.
I tell people to fuck off and insult people a lot, but I don't mean it really.

I believe in heaven.
I believe in love.
I believe in karma.
I believe in hope.
I believe in faith.
I believe in belief.
I believe in myself, sometimes.
But above all, I believe in God.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My roster

This is my roster next year, according to SchoolNet:
1st Period - Chemistry - Ron
2nd - African American History - Dr. Kesilman
3rd - Lunch
4th - Geometry - Ms. Weatherly
5th - English Honors - Mrs. MacArthur
6th - French 2 - Ms. Hazuka
7th - Photography - N/A

Dude, fuck my life.
Kesilman is a douche.
Ms. Weatherly is a dinosaur and can't teach for shit.
MacArthur is a sex addict.
Hazuka is a bitch.
And I don't know who my 7th period teacher is...
3rd lunch sucks.


Sip after sip, you insist you're a hit

So, I haven't posted on here in a while, but I was on vacation, so I have an excuse, right?

Last night, I went to the Phillies game for mom-mom's birthday.
Here's who came:
Me, Dan, Joe, Dad, Kate, Aunt Mary, Sam, Shannon, Jessie, Justin (Jess's BF), Aunt Claire, Zack, Nicky(DEVIL!), Mom-Mom, Uncle Tim, Aunt Shelia, Caitlin, her boyfriend (can't remember his name), Uncle Bill, Jonathan, Megan, her boyfriend (didn't talk to them, therefore I have no name to remember), and I believe that's all.
The game was amazing! The Dodgers scored in the first, but it could've been worse.
I forget WHEN the Phillies tied it at one, but they did.
And then Ryan Madson came in and gave up a run, so I said I was canceling the engagement.
But then, in the bottom of the ninth, Shane got on.
They brought in some random player who's name I can't even remember, that drew a walk off of FREAKING JONATHAN BROXTON, who throws MAD high heat. Then they had Kyle Kendrick pinch run! Hahaha, we were out of bench players, lmfao. Then Jayson struck out. Then Carlos got on, I think. And Pedro comes up and he GETS A HIT. And then Jimmy came up and we all started chanting "FRONTRUNNER! FRONTRUNNER!" And he got out to end the inning. Stupid guy went 0-4 and he expects not to be booed? Sure, uh huh.
Blah blah, 10th inning, nothing happens except Chad Durbin got himself outta some major shit.
Then the bottom of the 11th rolls around, and we were about to leave, but we stayed to watch the boys bat one last time :) So, I forget what happens, but Shane and someone else got on base. And they brought Cole in to pinch hit lmfao. He popped out though. And then, hero Pedro comes up AND HITS A THREE-RUN BLAST TO CENTER. I was going crazy. Best game in a while, and what made the victory even better was that the Mets lost so we're now a half game back, suckaasss. This two-game series with them starting tomorrow is insanely meaningful, but not as much as the one in New York is.

So I wanna talk about me, for some reason, so I'm gonna.
Whuddup blogspot, Megan here. My dumbass brother named me, he was five-years-old. Gay.
Music and sports are my passion, my purpose, my everything.
My favorite band ever is Green Day, but I have a few current favorites: Forever the Sickest Kids, All Time Low, the Maine, Something Corporate, Jack's Mannequin, Cobra Starship, and The Academy Is...STUPID.
Sorry, had to quote TAI TV Episode 9.
I love and support all the Philly teams and Notre Dame with an intensity that isn't matched in any other city. You wouldn't understand our passion if you aren't from here, so don't try to. We love those teams, those boys, with all that we have in us. The best feeling is seeing a win in person, and the worst is seeing a loss. I love going home after a win, because I feel all light and happy and I can't stop smiling, especially after last night's win.
Jack Barakat, Matt Flyzik, Kyle Burns, Kennedy Brock, Andrew McMahon, Nate Novarro, Adam T. Siska, Cole Hamels, Joffrey Lupul, Brian Westbrook, Kevin Curtis, Jason Smith, and Jimmy Clausen are my favorites :)
Brayden Tyler Quinn is my favorite athlete, always and forever <3 I've loved him for a long ass time, so all you girls that are gonna fawn over him when he becomes an NFL starter can hop off his dick now, kthx.
Michael Phelps makes me smile and he has since 2004 :)
I hate the Mets and their fans with everything I have in me, minus David Wright and Jill Winter. They're good in my book :)
My least favorite athletes are Manny Ramirez, Jose Reyes, T.O., Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, and Scott Avery.
My least favorite teams are the Mets, the Yankees, the Cowboys, the Penguins, the Rangers, the Devils, and the Islanders.
I also support the Twins, the Red Sox, and the Saints.
My favorites from there are Joe Mauer, Justin Morneau, Jon Lester, Jonathan Papelbon, Dustin Pedroia, Mike Lowell, Justin Masterson, and Drew Brees.

That's it. That's me. I don't care what you think of me.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I can be a prick

Wee, today was funish :)
Me and my mom went to Boscov's so I could find sweatpants;
and before that we went to Red Robin's, and the waiter was cutee :)
He dropped some stuff though, lmfao.
And he kept coming back to check on our table;
and then he was like "Come back and ask for me!"
and I giggled :)

That's about all that happened today, because the Phils don't play till 10:10;
and I'll miss the first bit because I need to watch my baby Michael Fred Phelps try and go for history.
He's my baby <3

Please don't get me rescueddd.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

I have to decide




dunno which one i like better.
kind of leaning towards the second, but i don't know.

And if I died right now, you'd never be the same

This weekend we went to Knoebel's for Mark's family reunion.
It was fun.
Friday, I rode all of the rides with Carly;
Saturday, Kenzie and I just chilled around the pavilion, for the most part.
Walter's stepsons were cute as hell, and they just kept looking at us haha.
It was cool :)

Saturday night, all the kids stayed in the apartment, but it was boring.
You know, that shit.

and i can't forget you;
and i know you want me to want you, i want to.

i'm boring, i'm sorry.
i bought the new it girl novel today.
two pairs of skinny jeans, sunglasses, and a sweater.
i'll be stylin' at school...not really.
i want to order my jac vanek bracelet offline, my stay positive shirt, and a the maine shirt.
idk, a cobra hoodie would be sweet too.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

These words were never easier for me to say...

My goal for today is to finish "The Color Of Water".
It's gonna be a bit easier because the Phillies are on right now rather than at seven,
so I'll be mad bored at night and not have anything to do but read my book.
Then I'll start re-reading Flowers For Algernon.
The last one for me to read will be Imaging Argentina.

I had a dream last night we,
drove out to see Las Vegas.
We lost ourselves in the bright lights,
I wish you could have seen us.

Mayday <3
Lately, here are the bands that I've been listening to:
All Time Low, Forever the Sickest Kids, Cobra Starship, Mayday Parade, Jack's Mannequin, Something Corporate, and the Academy Is...
STUPID. haha sorry, I love TAI TV, Season 3, Episode 9.
"Was I born in Milwaukee? Shit. LET'S DO THIS!"
The Butcher <3
But I love Sisky Business the most :)

"Looks like we've got a big mess on our hands!"
"Oh yeah? Well check THIS Juliet."
William :)

I'm done.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

You Know The Words, So Sing Along For Me Baby

It's pretty much two thirty in the fucking morning.
I don't know why I'm writing this.
I don't want to sleep.

This is my rant about All Time Low fans aka the SHITTIEST fucking fans in the world.
You guys are ALL the same. Seriously, you all wear the same clothes, all have the same fucking elitist attitude, and all are selfish fucking bastards.
Not ALL, but the majority.
Why do you guys all really wear dunks and GK? Is it because you like the clothes, or because, when you meet ATL, you want to look "cool"? Personally, I've liked dunks before I liked ATL, but GK clothing isn't THAT great. It's overpriced, and all the same. Fuck that shit.
Yeah, it looks cool, but is that what really matters in the end?
Anyways, back to you and your shitiness.
Why don't you want ATL to get famous? I mean, I understand that you'll miss the days when you could actually talk to them, when you didn't have to deal with annoying fan girls that only know two songs and yell "I LOVE YOU ALEX" and then proceed to ask who Rian is. But, isn't that utterly selfish not to want them to get famous? If you LOVE them and CARE for them, you want them to get what they deserve - and they deserve the WORLD. I feel bad for them, because you guys bitch at them for EVERYTHING they do. Oh, we're going to do a presale so that you guys that are true fans can get tickets - don't you realize that during a presale they don't sell EVERY ticket? So don't freak out that your date is sold out because of presale - there'll still be tickets left. And the fact that they're charging extra money for a M&G, well, that's to GUARANTEE that you'll meet them, if you REALLY want to.
Personally, I think they're gonna think the people at the M&G's are freaks for paying $25 extra dollars to meet them..I'd rather get early admission, thank youu very much.
That would be a MUCH better way to spend your money.
Plus, they never said that they wouldn't be out after shows, this is just to make sure that you meet them.

Oh, and the whole 'old fan' vs. 'new fan' bullshit should just fucking stop.
Does it MATTER how long you've been listening to them, or if you know EVERY crew members name? I don't think just matters how much you love the music. Not anything else. Yeah, if you claim to be a HUGE atl fan, you should know who Flyzik is, but don't freak out when people don't know who Ben is. It's fucking retarded, and that's not why you're a big fan - you're a big fan because you love the music that this band makes, and the feeling you get when you listen to them. If you're an old fan, consider yourself lucky that you picked a great fan to see rise to fame, and you got to see them when their weren't thirteen-year-olds in the audience that only know two songs. You got to see them when they were still your backpocket band and you didn't have some chick screaming in your ear about "wanting Alex's B@bi3$$!!1!1" We get it. But get the FUCK off of the new fans' case. They didn't do shit but fall in love with them a little late - does that matter? Nope.

Alright, I'm tired.


Another night, another dream wasted on you

OHHAI I LOVE YOU JAMES MATTHEW FLYZIK <3 But know that on November 29, 2008, me and Lauren are kicking your ass because you haven't updated Buzznet in forever. She called you "Matty not so Fly". Be prepared. Fucker, but ILYYY<3

Today, I had a litle computer scare; I clicked into a link that Annie sent me that looked harmless enough, and it gave me a virus. No worries though, I did a system restore and it fixed the problem. FUCK FACEBOOK.

I'm listening to "Three Cheers For Five Years (Acoustic)" - Mayday Parade on repeat. It's AMAZING. That's what my blog title comes from, actually. I've only really listened to Mayday today, getting pretty into their music.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


listen to Every Avenue and Danger Radio
check out the Jack's Mannequin songs NOT from Everything In Transit
Mayday Parade
decide which Metro Station songs you want
my favorite highway
the Rocket Summer
Saves The Day

Sorry this is a note to myself for what I want to edit on my I-Pod.

I hope I don't get in a fight!

I LOVE Billy Madison. Best Adam Sandler movie, in my opinion. He's kind of been slipping lately, with Zohan and all, but he is still my favorite actor, he always portrays his roles perfectly.

So, last night, I was thinking, and I realized...Forever the Sickest Kids and All Time Low really have made me so much happier. I smile all the time just thinking about Jack or Kyle, and if all else fails, watching the Winter Tour Update '06 and hearing these epic quotes always makes me smile:
"Matt: Wakee upp!
"Nano: Jack Barakat, what are your sentiments on the evening so far?
Jack: My sentiments? Doesn't that mean dirt?
Nano: NO! It means feelings, because you have none.
Jack: Oh. I love dirt!"
"Zack: Whatever happened to that yoga mat we had for the trailer?
Jack: We had a yogurt mat?"
"Rian(talking about Set Your Goals being hardcore): NO THEY'RE NOT!" (it's so cute :])
"Matt: Zack, where did all of your friends go?
Zack: I sucked them all off, now they're done.
Matt (talking about the little girl that's walking by): Oh, here comes one.
Zack: That's not my friend, that's YOUR friend!"

pretty much an epic win, great job James Matthew Flyzik.


Monday, August 4, 2008

This is how I do, when I think about you

I'm watching the Teen Choice Awards;
this shit is gay.
But I get to see Chace, Chad, and like 39489384 other hot guys :)
The Phillies aren't on tonight, for like, the twentieth Monday in a row.
I get so bored when they're not on.
And I hate Mariah Carey, she can fall off a cliff.

Um, I went to Danny's therapy session today, because Danny didn't come to the house. I told my mom it helped, but it really didn't. I would've liked to talk about my problems, not the problems I have with Danny's problems...Lord knows I probably need therapy for what goes on inside my head. But enough about that, because it makes me sad/angry to even think about it.

I feel a weakness coming on, never felt so good to be so wrong.
Yeah, Boys Like Girls.

boy is twenty today. Crazy stuff, really.
I wish I were older, all the guys I love are, like, twenty.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Come on and we'll sing, like we were free

I had to go to church today;
me and Rebecca sat in the nursery and had to read about the Four Agreements.
It was pretty interesting stuff.
Then, my mom had a meeting after church, so Mark and I went to Best Buy to pass the time.
I bought "Everything In Transit" by Jack's Mannequin and "The Sounds Of Love - EP" by the Morning Light. They're both AMAZING c.d.'s, so go pick them up.
I'm sitting here, bored out of my mind, listening to Taylor Swift and watching the Phillies game.
They're down 2-1.
Chase hit number 28, I believe?
Ryan Ludwick can suck my dick though.
I'm sorry. I kid, I kid.

You're tied together with a smile, but you're coming undoneeee....
Sorry, I feel like typing out lyrics, for some reason.

So, I just had, like, inspiration for a fanfic:
Girl is Alex's cousin.
She can sing & play guitar.
She's moving in with the Gaskarth's, because her parents just passed away in a car accident.
Either falls for Jack or Zack;
but she starts going out with Zack's brother?
I don't know, it's gay.
I'll improve on it.
But the character will write Taylor Swift's songs!
Like, for Tied Together With A Smile, it'll be about her because she shows everyone this fake smile, acting like everything is okay, putting up a front. I know that feeling, but whatever. And she's "tied together with a smile, but she's coming undone."
I think she'll go for Jack, he just...seems to fit better.
I don't know.
Sucky idea, I just wanted to get it down....


Saturday, August 2, 2008

The flavor of your lips is enough to keep me pressin'

So, last night was the Poppin' Champagne video premiere...
one word: AMAZING.
Matt looked so uncomfortable throughout the video though haha.
He better put up some buzznet videos, or I will be disappointed in him. And then the crew won't get any gifts in November. So don't ruin it for everyone, Matt!

Um, last night, Cole pitched pretty bad. It's disappointing to see him like that. It's not his normal self, at all.
Hopefully Blanton pitches well tonight!

Today I was reading Flowers for Algernon and my ipod was playing. It was the part in the book where he discovers that he didn't really have friends, they all thought he was just a big joke...and Lullabies came on. I felt like BAWLING. Those two things - the treatment of retarded people and suicide...well, let's just say, they hit home. I fucking can NOT STAND when someone makes fun of someone else because their brain can't function on the level that theirs does. It makes me so sad, and it also makes me want to punch the tormenter in the face. I almost have before, trust me. They can't defend themselves and they don't understand either. I feel really bad for people that understand that they are being made fun of, but really can't do anything about it. Such as people with Asberger's, for example. I feel bad and hypocrictical, because sometimes I will say "He's such a freak..." but then I immediately reciprocate that statement, because I realize that they can't control it. My mom is a special ed teacher, so I have come into contact with many mentally retarded people over the span of my fourteen years, more than most people do throughout their whole life. I've grown so attached to them too. Seriously, Sammy, this boy in my mom's class, that had down syndrome - I LOVED him. And he loved me too :) I was the only person that he let hold his hand and hug him. I haven't seen that boy in years, and I still think about him and how cute he was. But anyways, WHY oh WHY must we discriminate against people that have no control over their intelligence. There's a difference between people who are just plain stupid and people who are mentally retarded - it's a monumental difference. Stupid people, they choose not to learn. Mentally retarded people CAN'T learn. Their brain doesn't retain the information that ours does.

Alright, I'm done with my mini rant.
Hope my boys win tonight <3


Friday, August 1, 2008

I need the product of your fears

I keep listening to the Cute Is What We Aim For c.d., it's really freaking addictive.
I don't know, his lyrics are very...catchy.

So, Poppin' video premiere is tonight!
I'm so freaking excited.
I'm going to mute Miley's performance though.
Flyzik better not let me or Lauren down, and get a bajillion buzznet videos backstage!
MTV not be gay and be like "Oh, only we can get footage."
I'll bitchslap someone.
For real.

So anyways, I need to not think about all of the exciting stuff that's going on.
Here's my calendar for exciting events:
8/16 - OCMD with Bethanne Burns. Hollllllaa!
10/9 - Fifteenth birthday AND Cobra/FTSK concert. FUCK YES.
10/11 - Hey, hockey season. I missed youu <3
11/29 - All Time Low, the Maine, Mayday Parade, and Every Avenue. SO EXCITED.

Going to find something to do, maybe watch Nancy Drew, Dan In Real Life, and/or Disturbia on demand ahha.

megan marie <3