Friday, January 11, 2008

Starting out

I never know where to start, especially not on these kind of things. I suppose I should tell you everything about me, or something, but I'm not going to. All you need to know is my name is Megan, and I'm from Philly. You'll pick up little things during the course of this blog.

Today was kinda depressing, kinda exciting, kinda boring. A mix, essentially. I know I'm going to sound like a like teenaged girl, but that's exactly what I am. I saw the object of my affection, so to say, earlier today, and I hadn't seen him in a while. Guess he's been sick or something... Anyways, yeah, well, I don't really know him. I just admire from afar. I'm not a stalker, I swear! And then I didn't see him on the train, like I normally do. Although I did see a heroin addict, which was kinda scary. And then he preceded to follow me onto the bus, which was just downright creepy. Today was also a half-day, which I felt was well-deserved. This week I've been a walking zombie, and I just need to pass out.

Oh, I'm going to apologize in advance if my posts are boring. I lead a pretty boring life.

Anyways, yesterday was a pretty downright awesome day (: The Flyers won 6-2 & Gagne is back! Even sweeter? We beat the Rangers! All-star game is coming up in a few weeks, and frankly, Mike Richards NEEDS to be on the roster. He had a breakout year, and he's continuing to amaze me. I love the Flyers, just putting that out there. All right, here you're going to get a peek into the life of moi:
I play field hockey. I'm not amazing, but I guess I'm okay. I play D, in case anybody was wondering. I love sports, with a passion. I can't go an hour without talking about them. The Eagles, the Phillies, and The Flyers own my life. Start up a conversation with me about sports, or a debate(NOT an argument) & I'll pretty much love you forever.

That's all for now! Gotta go get my shiett together for my dad's house.


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