Wednesday, January 16, 2008


"You're gonna be an alcoholic by your senior year. Trust me."
"You have to eat protein after you work out!"
-Words of wisdom from my Superman<3

Yeah, I haven't updated in a few days. Sue me. Midterms are a bitch; I totally failed the two I took today :/ I have to do all of my extra credit reports for world history because I NEED a B in that class. Anyways, yeahh. The speakers on my computer are like a non-virgin - fucked. Ughh. I need my music! Oh & those two awesome quotes up at the top? They're from my unrequited love that probably doesn't even give me a second thought. I told my brother he needs to throw a house party when my mom & stepdad go on their honeymoon, and invite all the guys he knows from Central. Lauren agreed, and I know Mariya would go along with that. I'd invite them & Charlene & we'd have a good ass time (:

Anyways, I'm bored & I need to study for midterms - Flyers are on at 7 tonight!


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