Monday, January 21, 2008


"No one here is getting out alive."
-Jim Morrison.

Last night was one of the worst nights of my life. I cried the hardest I had since my grandfather's funeral last March, and this time it was for an entirely different reason. I cried out of hatred, not mourning. Here's how everything went down:
I had gotten up from the computer to go to the living room to watch the 4th quarter of the Packers - Giants game. My stepdad was laying across the whole couch & my mom was sitting at the other end. My brother was sitting on our lounge chair, which means that there was no seat for me. I asked, very politely I might add, 'May I have a seat?'
Then my stepfather, being who he is, starts clearing off this little pink chair that I had when I was 3. No way my ass was gonna fit in that, plus my knees would be up to my chin. I then said, 'I'm serious. I'm not having the best day & I'm kind of aggrivated right now.'
Then, my fucking stepdad starts screaming at me.
This is pretty much what he said:
'YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR DAMN MOUTH! I DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE, BUT I DON'T LIKE IT. I'M TIRED OF YOUR FUCKING ATTITUDE.'' And he stood up in the middle of this to make himself seem more menancing. I felt threatened, for real. Not exxagerating or anything.
Then, my brother, being the awesome brother that he is, says:
'You don't have to yell at her.'
Mark sits back down, and looks at my brother and says:
'It's none of your damn business.'

Um, what the fuck?
I was about to bitch him out but my mom says that we shouldn't yell at each other. Yeah, wtf didn't she say this in the middle of Mark's little tirade?
I have no clue.

I ran upstairs & cried for a good 10 minutes. Then my mom comes upstairs & tries to DEFEND him. She said stuff like that was a normal occurance in his house when he was a boy.
That was fucking 45-50 years ago.

I don't know who the hell he thinks HE is, trying to come into our house & act like my fucking father. News flash, dickhead. I have a father, I don't need you. You're a fucking jerkoff & I fucking hate your guts. God forbid, you and my mom are together when I get married, I'm not fucking inviting you. I want you the fuck out of my life & I'm NEVER speaking another word that is not nessacary to you EVER again. Lay a fucking hand on me & trust me, you'll be out like a light. My dad, my brothers, and so many other people would fucking KILL you. Hell, I would fucking kill you.

Sorry, had to get that out. But I was just so shattered last night, it wasn't even funny. My brother was about to kick his ass, and I wish he had.


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