Saturday, January 26, 2008


"The weak can not forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

Tonightt wass pretty fun (: I went to a rodeo, which was awesome. And then Jake Owens(who is AWESOME & erryone should check out) performed. It was prettyyy sweet.

Well, the Flyers won their last game before the all-star break, on Thursday. They beat the Penguins, which makes everything 20 times better. Downie got in a fight(he's my new love). The skills competition part of the all-star game was today, but I didn't get to see it OR the Jonas Brothers perform at the Rockin' Skate, because I was out. I'll have to find a video on YouTube or somethinggg.

Alright, well I feel real tired & shit. I hate riding in a car with two smokers in the winter, because the smoke never escapes through the window. I was like 'I can feel my lungs getting black.'
But whateverrr. I just need to strengthen them or whatever.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aww shucks.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix.

Alright, well, I guess I've been doing pretty well, but whatever. I've got 5 A's & 1 B in school for the second marking period, which is exceptionally well. Stupid French is biting me in the ass though.

Other than that, my life has been boring. We had an assembly about course selection for next year this morning & I'm pretty sure I'm going to go along the route of photography. My brother is a photography major at CCP, so I think he can help me out with that. If not photography, then creative writing, genetics, New American Stuides, Civil Law, or European History AP. Idk. I'm thinking of taking English II Honors and/or Geometry Honors.

Yeahh, off to watch the Flyers vs. the Penguins.

Be back laterr, fosho.


Monday, January 21, 2008


"No one here is getting out alive."
-Jim Morrison.

Last night was one of the worst nights of my life. I cried the hardest I had since my grandfather's funeral last March, and this time it was for an entirely different reason. I cried out of hatred, not mourning. Here's how everything went down:
I had gotten up from the computer to go to the living room to watch the 4th quarter of the Packers - Giants game. My stepdad was laying across the whole couch & my mom was sitting at the other end. My brother was sitting on our lounge chair, which means that there was no seat for me. I asked, very politely I might add, 'May I have a seat?'
Then my stepfather, being who he is, starts clearing off this little pink chair that I had when I was 3. No way my ass was gonna fit in that, plus my knees would be up to my chin. I then said, 'I'm serious. I'm not having the best day & I'm kind of aggrivated right now.'
Then, my fucking stepdad starts screaming at me.
This is pretty much what he said:
'YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR DAMN MOUTH! I DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE, BUT I DON'T LIKE IT. I'M TIRED OF YOUR FUCKING ATTITUDE.'' And he stood up in the middle of this to make himself seem more menancing. I felt threatened, for real. Not exxagerating or anything.
Then, my brother, being the awesome brother that he is, says:
'You don't have to yell at her.'
Mark sits back down, and looks at my brother and says:
'It's none of your damn business.'

Um, what the fuck?
I was about to bitch him out but my mom says that we shouldn't yell at each other. Yeah, wtf didn't she say this in the middle of Mark's little tirade?
I have no clue.

I ran upstairs & cried for a good 10 minutes. Then my mom comes upstairs & tries to DEFEND him. She said stuff like that was a normal occurance in his house when he was a boy.
That was fucking 45-50 years ago.

I don't know who the hell he thinks HE is, trying to come into our house & act like my fucking father. News flash, dickhead. I have a father, I don't need you. You're a fucking jerkoff & I fucking hate your guts. God forbid, you and my mom are together when I get married, I'm not fucking inviting you. I want you the fuck out of my life & I'm NEVER speaking another word that is not nessacary to you EVER again. Lay a fucking hand on me & trust me, you'll be out like a light. My dad, my brothers, and so many other people would fucking KILL you. Hell, I would fucking kill you.

Sorry, had to get that out. But I was just so shattered last night, it wasn't even funny. My brother was about to kick his ass, and I wish he had.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cuz I need you more than ever.

"Take me under your wing tonight;
make me so perfect in your eyes.
Hold on, cuz it will be alright.
You're not alone."
-Take me - Hawk Nelson

Today was borrrring. It was just me & Dan home alone, all day. I played the Sims in his room for a good 2 hours XD Nick Jonas & I had two kids, named Matt & Mackenzie.

Which brings me to the subject of tne future. Here are my dreams, my hopes. My wishes, my aspirations.

I want to graduate from Central with a degree, and be on the stage at graduation. I wish to attend either Penn State or Notre Dame, or whatever school has the best program for what I want to do with my life. I want to be a sportscaster, for a channel such as ESPN or the person that interviews players & coaches before halftime. That kind of thing. I want to get married & have 2-4 kids. I want a boy and a girl. Here are the names I really like: Matthew Joseph, Michael Anthony, Adrienne Rose, and Mackenzie Grace. Yeah, I know I'm only a freshman in high school & I have some time to decide what I want to do, but this is what I'm truly passionate about. I'm never happier than when I'm at a sporting event, watching sports, or simply just talking about them. I've bonded with so many people purely over sports.

On the off chance someone else reads this, what are your hopes for the future?


Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm happy appy appy.

I know I said I was gonna update erryday;
but school was way stressful this week.

I finished midterms today! I had bio, which was relatively easy. Nice way to end the week. Yesterday was French, which I got a 79 on and art history, which was open book. I got an 83 on my world history one, a 76 on the one part of my English one, and I don't know about algebra.

But enough about that, it's annoying.

My speakers are working again! Yess (:

I'm pretty dayumm excited because on April 10, I might be going to see All Time Low at the TLA & my b double eff is gonna be there(most likely) and I haven't seen her since June! (: They're going to be performing with Rocket Summer, Sonny Moore, the Matches, and Forever the Sickest Kids. I'm tryna convince my brother to take me & maybe my friend Lauren. Then me and Charlene could quite possibly be going to a John Mayer concert in July. John Mayer is the shiett. AND the Jonas Brothers are probably going to announce their next leg of the 'When you Look me in the eyes' tour, and they better be stopping in Philly. Yeahh, son.

Today was hilarious for reasons I pretty much can't remember. In English, Dylan & I got lollipops because we were the first people to have this 'There, their, and they're' paper done correctly. The flavor was sour grape, and they were shaped like lips. Fred kept making these faces at us, to try & guilt trip one of us into giving him our lollipop. AS IF. I was a lip sucker & Dylan is a lip licker. Then Mariya went off onto a random discussion about sucking & apparently Ethan likes to swallow XD His lollipops, that is.

My stepdad is annoying me right now >.<

The Flyers play tomorrow night, against the Islanders (:
NFL conference finals are on Sunday! Go Packs and I don't care about the AFC. I'm kinda pulling for the Chargers, because the Pats already have gone to the Super Bowl recently. Plus, I want Favre to win a Super Bowl and retire. Whateverr.

Alright, I'm about to pass out. I need to do my chores really quick and then I'm going to bed.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


"You're gonna be an alcoholic by your senior year. Trust me."
"You have to eat protein after you work out!"
-Words of wisdom from my Superman<3

Yeah, I haven't updated in a few days. Sue me. Midterms are a bitch; I totally failed the two I took today :/ I have to do all of my extra credit reports for world history because I NEED a B in that class. Anyways, yeahh. The speakers on my computer are like a non-virgin - fucked. Ughh. I need my music! Oh & those two awesome quotes up at the top? They're from my unrequited love that probably doesn't even give me a second thought. I told my brother he needs to throw a house party when my mom & stepdad go on their honeymoon, and invite all the guys he knows from Central. Lauren agreed, and I know Mariya would go along with that. I'd invite them & Charlene & we'd have a good ass time (:

Anyways, I'm bored & I need to study for midterms - Flyers are on at 7 tonight!


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Well now,

"You know when you're in love because reality is finally better than dreaming."
- Dr. Seuss.

This is pretty addicting, I have to admit. I decided to try & start every blog with a quote or something; but it probably won't relate to the blog content at all.

Today was...ehh. The Flyers lost in overtime to the Bruins, but it was a pretty good game. Danny scored, Jeff scored, and Hartnell scored, so it was fun anyways. The Packers destroyed the Seahawks, which is what I wanted to happen. Now the Giants NEED to beat the Cowboys & I'll be content.

Midterms start on Tuesday :/ I have Algebra on Tuesday, English & World History on Wednesday, French of Thursday, and Bio on Friday. My lunch schedule is as follows:
Tuesday - 90 mins; 2nd period.
Wednesday - 7th period(I get to leave! YAY!)
Thursday - 5th period
Friday - 3rd period.
Not too bad. At least I get to leave Wednesday, which is the only day I have two midterms. (:

Right now, I need to get my feelings out:
I'm gonna talk about my crush. We'll name him 'Gary'. He's a senior at my school, and oh so freaking cute. I just found out last night that my brother used to chill with him, and by chill, I mean smoke pot. He wasd a sophmore XD. Maybe he's changed....if not, well, then, that's not my position to judge. By any chance anybody from my school reads this, I'm gonna say that he's obsessed with Spiderman. Yeahh, that works (: But, whatever. My bro says he's reall cool. I know he would never be interested in me, a little freshman, but whatever. It's nice to look (: If I'm ever behind him in the lunch line again, I'm gonna start talking about my brother. And I'm also gonna start wearing my basketball shirt that has my last name on it (: Anything to get him to notice me, but I know I'll just be 'Dan's little sister.' My brother told me that he was gonna get in touch with him & tell him his freshman sister has a crush on him. I started yelling at him (: We're close, way closer than ever, and that feels so good (: It's nice to know that I have someone there that has went through the same shit that I did, and he can give me advice.

Well, that's all for now.


Friday, January 11, 2008

Random rants/expressing my thoughts

Sometimes I feel the need to get everything I feel out, all of my opinons. And that's what I'm gonna do with this blog:

1st issue: Gay Marriage - I feel that this is entirely okay. If someone wants to marry the person they love, who are we to stop them from doing that?! I've read the Bible, and the so-called 'verse' also says that sex before marriage is sinful. So why are there no measures taken to make sex before marriage illegal?! I mean, the government oversteps it's boundaries when it makes marriages illegal. Present to me one reason that gay marriage is wrong that is NOT religious, and I will see if it makes sense. However, all of people's perceptions of homosexuality being a sin is religious, therefore the government oversteps the boundaries of 'seperation of church & state'. This is just my opinion, however. Maybe I'm not 'worldly' and 'jaded' enough to form opinions on such things, but so be it.

Abortion - I see where people see this as wrong. However, I don't think it is right to make it illegal. While abortion may have it's complications, if it becomes illegal, people will revert back to their ways of having abortions in the 60's. Those are even more unsafe than clean abortions now. I think there should be restrictions though. Like, only if the lady was raped or it threatened her life.

Fake fans - Okay, fake fans really piss me off. Of teams, of bands. They just make me so mad! Like, this one girl. She claims to be a Dallas Cowboys fan, but she knows NOTHING about them. The only reason she likes them is because the person she likes likes them. Ugh, so fucking annoying. Or, girls who like sports for the guys?! They give the rest of the girls that actually like sports a bad rap. I have had to overcome so much shit from people who assume that because I'm a girl, I don't know shit about sports. When, in reality, I know more about sports than most guys I know.

Yeah, that's all for now.
If I think of more, I'll post more later.

This is my third post...

in one day (:


That's my favorite quote ever. Dr. Seuss pwns. Oh and me and Charlene? We own your mom.

Just letting you know.

Want to know my desire for this year?
That one relationship, where you can just be yourself, or discover who you truly are. Where you don't HAVE to change for the person, but you WANT to. I don't want that perfect, fairy tale romance. They DON'T EXISIST. I want one of those relationships where you yell and bitch and moan all the time, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. Want to know why? Because you love each other. True, real love. Where even though you might not see the person everyday, you still know they're thinking of you. I think sweet things are the cutest and I want a guy that will randomly text/call/IM me to let me know he was thinking of me. I want someone who will put up with my yelling at the tv when sports are on, or all my bullshit. Yeah, rides off into the sunset or nice, but I prefer catching a ride on his back on the beach.



Okay, well....

I'm going tell you about me because I got the urge to:
My name is Megan. You can call me Megan, and only certain people can call me Meg. I'm fourteen, but I'll either act like I'm four or twenty-four. I neverr act my age, and nobody ever believes me that I'm fourteen. I know so much about sports it's scary. They rule my life, hands down. When my teams win, I'm happy...they lose? Not so much. I'm a huge Phillies, Eagles, Flyers, and Notre Dame fan. Yeah, ND sucked last year. They lost most of their starters. Get over it. My bff is named Charlene. She gets me, and one of the few people I trust. Music owns my heart; I listen to every type except screamo and metal. They hurt my ears, but I WILL give them a try. I'm currently in love with someone who probably doesn't know I exisist, and it turns out my brother knows him. I love Brady Quinn <3 face="verdana">Yeah, that's it.


Starting out

I never know where to start, especially not on these kind of things. I suppose I should tell you everything about me, or something, but I'm not going to. All you need to know is my name is Megan, and I'm from Philly. You'll pick up little things during the course of this blog.

Today was kinda depressing, kinda exciting, kinda boring. A mix, essentially. I know I'm going to sound like a like teenaged girl, but that's exactly what I am. I saw the object of my affection, so to say, earlier today, and I hadn't seen him in a while. Guess he's been sick or something... Anyways, yeah, well, I don't really know him. I just admire from afar. I'm not a stalker, I swear! And then I didn't see him on the train, like I normally do. Although I did see a heroin addict, which was kinda scary. And then he preceded to follow me onto the bus, which was just downright creepy. Today was also a half-day, which I felt was well-deserved. This week I've been a walking zombie, and I just need to pass out.

Oh, I'm going to apologize in advance if my posts are boring. I lead a pretty boring life.

Anyways, yesterday was a pretty downright awesome day (: The Flyers won 6-2 & Gagne is back! Even sweeter? We beat the Rangers! All-star game is coming up in a few weeks, and frankly, Mike Richards NEEDS to be on the roster. He had a breakout year, and he's continuing to amaze me. I love the Flyers, just putting that out there. All right, here you're going to get a peek into the life of moi:
I play field hockey. I'm not amazing, but I guess I'm okay. I play D, in case anybody was wondering. I love sports, with a passion. I can't go an hour without talking about them. The Eagles, the Phillies, and The Flyers own my life. Start up a conversation with me about sports, or a debate(NOT an argument) & I'll pretty much love you forever.

That's all for now! Gotta go get my shiett together for my dad's house.
