Thursday, July 24, 2008


People really piss me off.
They're hypocritical, they break bonds so easily, and they have the need to put others down, for no reason at all besides their own pleasure.

I just want to know one thing -
be it through myspace, youtube, whatever it is;
if you hate something/someone, why was your time to comment it?
If I watch a music video and I don't find it the best thing in the world, i'm not going to say that.
If I listen to a band on myspace and they suck, I'm not about to add them and tell them that.

Same thing, if I see a fan of someone I'm not too fond of, I'm not going to tell them that their favorite band sucks or anything like that. It's their own taste and it doesn't affect me or the way i live my life.

Why do people have to be so rude to others?
Only if you have an interest in the person's good will should you be honest when something they like isn't the best. Or if they suck at something. Because then they might spend their whole life doing something they suck at and get nowhere. However, if my best friend is in love with...I don't know, Brittney Spears, I'm not going to tell her Brittney is a whore. Even if she is. If my friend is going out with a player, I'll tell her that he's a manwhore and she deserves someone better. Or if something doesn't look good on them, I'll tell them in the nicest way possible.

Anyways, one day.
I'm going to be as nice as possible to All Time Low tomorrow, and pretty much say fuck the haters. They aren't a cheap rip-off of Blink. The only thing that they do that reminds me of Blink is the way they act - and they grew up with Tom, Mark, and Travis as their heroes, therefore they will act that way. Mark Hoppus seems to think they're pretty good, and not a rip-off of Blink-182...and wouldn't Mark know a cheap ripoff of that band better than anyone else?

Oh, and I'm in a ranting mood, so that is precisely what I am going to do.

People claim that some of my favorite bands sold out...not in my mind! I mean, selling out is when who you are or what you do to sell records or make money. Tell me then, how Green Day sold out? The label did NOT want them to get political, and they did anyways. They did at a time when the country was in turmoil and desperately wanted to accept the president and not find any flaws...Green Day did anyway. If I wanted to be an artist and have people listen to my music and a big record label offered me a contract, I would sign it. Not for the money, but for the exposure to a larger fan base. Anyways, you can't say someone is or isn't 'punk rock' for being on a major label.
When I think punk rock, I think the Ramones, the Clash, the Sex Pistols...and they were all on major labels, so SUCK IT.


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