Tuesday, July 22, 2008

come on, sweet catastrophe

The Phillies have really pissed me off lately. It seems like they're just giving up, and that is NOT how you play baseball, I'm sorry.

I'm listening to Boys Like Girls right now :-) I've liked them for a while now, before everyone knew the Great Escape, but in no way are they 'my band'. I'm happy for them, that they are so big. It's cool when a band you've liked for a while really makes it.

All Time Low is getting to that point, and I'm convinced that Forever the Sickest Kids will, they're too good not to.
Speaking of those two sexy bands, I'm seeing them in three days!
It's almost two haha <3 This week is going incredibly slow, thanks to Warped and the Phillies being this weekend.

Oh, and just a note, I love hoodrat. She loves me too :-) She calls me greystache. Best friends? I think so. We've been best frandss since sixth grade, and only have grown closer over these last few years. I think we fought ONCE, and I wasn't even mad at her, I was mad at other people and took it out on her. I don't even COUNT that. We grew way way close in seventh grade, thank you Green Day <3 One of the many reasons I credit them with saving me...I wouldn't be sane without this girl, and we definitely got so close because of them. We sat on the phone for twelve hours one day of winter break and literally only said things along the lines of "Green Day is so amazing." Now we sit there and debate the meaning of life...we've come a long way! But we still make dirty jokes and you have to love us for it. ilygirll<3

Oh hey, Phillies being down 5-2 in the top of the ninth and having the bases loaded with no outs. Carlos, you wanna hit a grand slam? I'd love you forever <3


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