Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm always drawn to each horizion

Last night, my mom ordered my tickets for the Sassyback Tour. Cobra Starship with Forever the Sickest Kids, Hit the Lights, and Sing It Loud. IT'S ON MY BIRTHDAY <3 Which means, it's a Thursday night. The tickets are will call, and the will call window and the Troc's will call window opens at the same time as the show, which kind of sucks. But I don't care, BECAUSE I'LL BE SEEING MY BOYS AGAIN <3
Speaking of boys, All Time Low is premiering Poppin' Champagne tomorrow, at 8 PM on fnMTV. Miley Cyrus is performing, which is gay, but at least I'll see Jack, Rian, Zack, and Alex :)
So, I need to get my mind off of October 9th, October 11th, and November 29th.
Just stop thinking about them.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

So, it's official

that FTSK and Cobra are going to be in Philly on my birthday;
I'm so there.
For real.

And on November 29th, me and Charlene are seeing our boys at the Electric Factory.
All Time Low, The Maine, Every Avenue, and Mayday Parade.
Last stop of the tour.
This is going to be sickk.

I love going to shows.
On my birthday, I'm wearing a "Kiss Me, It's My Birthday" shirt;
and bringing my school i.d. to prove that it is indeed my birthday.
I want a birthday hug from Kyle and Caleb, for sure.
Austin would be sweet too :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So here

is a list of bands I've seen live:
All Time Low (3)
Forever the Sickest Kids (2)
Death Cab For Cutie
Elvis Costello
Fiona Apple
The Rocket Summer
The Matches
Sonny Moore
The Great American Soundtrack
The Goodnight Anthem
Jealousy Curve
Family Force 5
Charlotte Sometimes
Kenny Chesney
Sara Evans (2)
Montgomery Gentry (2)
Pat Green
Brooks & Dunn

and that's all I can remember.
I'm going to see ATL for the fourth time on November 29.
Along with the Maine, Mayday Parade, and Every Avenue.
Plus, FTSK for the third time on my birthday;
along with COBRA STARSHIP.
hey hey Gabriel Eduardo Saporta, Caleb Michael Turman, Kyle William Burns, Jonathan Samuel Cook, Austin Bello, Marc Stewart, Kent Garrison, Alex Suarez, NATE NOVARRO, and Ryland Blackinton.
Plus the beautiful Victoria Asher.
yay :)


Monday, July 28, 2008

Best weekend

I already talked about Warped Tour, so I'll talk about the two BANGIN' phillies games:
Saturday, we get down to the park and everything, find a good spot in right field and wait for pictures.
I got pictures with Geoff, Chad, Jimmy, Ryan Howard, Ryan Madson, Coste, Brunt, Jayson, Kyle, Jamie, PAT, and Charlie Manuel, so that was sweet.
Met up with Julie before the game started, we hung by the Braves bullpen till about the 3rd, then we went and met up with Deanna and Devon.
So Cole had a meltdown, and gave up nine runs in one inning.
Poor baby.
The fifth inning, Deanna turns to me and says:
I don't know why, but I feel like this is going to be a big inning for us.
Then, the first three runners get on base. Ryan Howard knocks two of them in.
Then Pat and Jayson, I think, got out.
Ryan's on second, Coste on first? And Greg comes up to bat :-)

then we won, 10-9.

then yesterday, me and joe get there early and stand behind 122. the first inning, Blanton gives up two runs. Then they play until the bottom of the third & it's crazy lightning and thunder, my GOD. it was FREEZING too. So we wait it out blah blah blah, nothing happens until Adam Eaton decids he wants to give them THREE MORE RUNS. then we go walk around to find food & we stand by the third base side. Coste hits a two-run homerun, and then the next two runners get on and SHANE is up to bat with two men on. Joe turns to me and goes "Shane Victorino, three-run homer. I'm calling it." What does Shane do? Hit a homerun! Jayson hit a two-run homerun, Pat hit one, and Jimmy hit one.
Then our bullpen NEARLY blows it but doesn't.

Phils won 12-10.
Fucking awesome. Would be better if the Mets would just do dive off a cliff, but IDC.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Oh my God

Oh man, Warped Tour was the BEST.
for real, it was awesome.

Here's how it went down:
We get in there and run to check the times that everyone's playing;
first band we want to see starts at four. So we've got a LOT of time to kill.
We're walking around, and we get called over by these people who ask us if we want to help with catering, so we say YES.
We get backstage passes because of it, so helll yeah.
I got to serve pizza bread to:
Jack Barakat, Kyle Burns (I gave him sooo many pieces haha. he said 'damnnn girl.' and then i was like 'sorrry!' and then someone was like 'yo, can i have a piece of pizza bread?' and he was like 'take one of mine, she gave me 30483048 pieces.' and i yelled sorry again and he was like "i was kidding!") oh my god, kyle and jack are both 3783748239 even more gorgeous in person, especially kyle. he's beautiful. and i got to serve to RYLAND, austin, caleb & danielle, rian & kara, vicky t, kent, and so many others. i got into a conversation with kent and austin that went like this:
Austin: I LOVE your shirt, dude.
Me: Thank You!
A: I LOVE donatelllo.
M: Nah, I like Michaelangelo. Hello, he's a party dude?
Kent: Which one is the one with the sides?
M: What? Lemme ask my brother
Danny: Oh, that's Leonardo.
anyways, after we serve it, i find out my brother is sitting there, talking to austin bello and kent garrison. i walk over and tell him we're gonna go walk around, and then we come back because we're not sure what to do. so he motions for me to come and sit with him, and he's like "austin, this is my little sister, megan." and i shook his hand then we sat down and they're like "we're austin and kent..." and i cut them off, by saying "i know! i LOVE your music!" and then we chatted for a little. it was sweet, austin talked about how they're going to japan next, which i obviously already knew. but i wasn't going to say that.
hahahahaha, and then we walked around until four....went to the atl signing.
omg, so we're standing there and i'm like "matt, come here!" so he walks over to the fence. and then i gave him the shirt and his eyes LIT UP. for real. and then me & him are talking for a little bit, and all that good stuff and then he hugged me for the gift haha. ilovehim<3. and then we head over to ftsk's show; we were literally right against the baricade & in front of caleb and kent. i was freaking out during their set, it was AMAZING.
here's how it went:
Woah Oh (Me vs. Everyone)
Hey Brittany
My Worst Nightmare
Believe Me, I'm Lying
She's a Lady.

then I GOT CALEB TURMAN'S PICK. it made me so happy, except that it bounced out of charlene's hands and onto my shoulder!

so, we go over to wait in line for ftsk, to meet them.
and and we were lucky, because kyle, kent, and austin showed up right before we got to the front.
they all signed my warped magazine, and i got in a miny rift with jonathan about the eagles vs. the cowboys which went like this:
Me: So, you're a HUGE dallas cowboys fan, aren't you?
Jonathan: (Smiles) YES.
Me: Sorry, I'm an Eagles fan.
J: (Tut Tut noise) I'm sorry for you too.
Me: (While getting picture taken): It's alright, Tony Romo can't win a playoff game anyways.
J: I'm sorry we took T.O. from you
M: IDC, I didn't want him!
J: Laughs.

thenn, it was austin.
Austin: (Points at me) I KNOW YOU, you're my friend!
Me: Yeah yeah, man.

then, kyle. oh man, that boy...he makes me smile, verrry big :D
Kyle: Heyy what's up!
Me: Sorry for giving you like, 39403940 pieces of pizza bread earlier
K: It's alright, I ate them all!
Me: Gooood!

then me and kent were pretty formal.
i love him though <3

oh oh oh and atl's set was AMAZING.
but the guy on the hurley stage?
not so much.
go a picture with gaskarth, so it was alright.


you wouldn't understand ;-)


Thursday, July 24, 2008


People really piss me off.
They're hypocritical, they break bonds so easily, and they have the need to put others down, for no reason at all besides their own pleasure.

I just want to know one thing -
be it through myspace, youtube, whatever it is;
if you hate something/someone, why was your time to comment it?
If I watch a music video and I don't find it the best thing in the world, i'm not going to say that.
If I listen to a band on myspace and they suck, I'm not about to add them and tell them that.

Same thing, if I see a fan of someone I'm not too fond of, I'm not going to tell them that their favorite band sucks or anything like that. It's their own taste and it doesn't affect me or the way i live my life.

Why do people have to be so rude to others?
Only if you have an interest in the person's good will should you be honest when something they like isn't the best. Or if they suck at something. Because then they might spend their whole life doing something they suck at and get nowhere. However, if my best friend is in love with...I don't know, Brittney Spears, I'm not going to tell her Brittney is a whore. Even if she is. If my friend is going out with a player, I'll tell her that he's a manwhore and she deserves someone better. Or if something doesn't look good on them, I'll tell them in the nicest way possible.

Anyways, one day.
I'm going to be as nice as possible to All Time Low tomorrow, and pretty much say fuck the haters. They aren't a cheap rip-off of Blink. The only thing that they do that reminds me of Blink is the way they act - and they grew up with Tom, Mark, and Travis as their heroes, therefore they will act that way. Mark Hoppus seems to think they're pretty good, and not a rip-off of Blink-182...and wouldn't Mark know a cheap ripoff of that band better than anyone else?

Oh, and I'm in a ranting mood, so that is precisely what I am going to do.

People claim that some of my favorite bands sold out...not in my mind! I mean, selling out is when who you are or what you do to sell records or make money. Tell me then, how Green Day sold out? The label did NOT want them to get political, and they did anyways. They did at a time when the country was in turmoil and desperately wanted to accept the president and not find any flaws...Green Day did anyway. If I wanted to be an artist and have people listen to my music and a big record label offered me a contract, I would sign it. Not for the money, but for the exposure to a larger fan base. Anyways, you can't say someone is or isn't 'punk rock' for being on a major label.
When I think punk rock, I think the Ramones, the Clash, the Sex Pistols...and they were all on major labels, so SUCK IT.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008


the phillies made me mad tonight.
for real, brett myers..way to have contorl.
for real, he sucked.

but whatever.
pretty much, a day.

two days

Two more days,
and I can almost guarantee that they will be the longest two days of my life.
It doesn't help that the Phillies are playing the Mets, so I get all anxious during the day for the games at night.

But I really can't believe it's two days away;
it hasn't hit me.
Not in the least.

Well, I'm watching That 70's Show and waiting impatiently for seven o'clock.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

oh hey

i'm posting again to say i love the phillies scoring six runs in the ninth inning.
if we win, first place is all ours <3

they make me smile, so wide.
i'll keep blogging till the end of the game!

so, now it's the bottom of the ninth.
chavez is on second, one out.
beltran is at bat.
now chavez is on third.

fucking, come on lidge.
you're lights out all the time.
please <3

now, ryno just made a GREAT play at first, and there are two outs.
delgado is up.

pretty please, lights out?



come on, sweet catastrophe

The Phillies have really pissed me off lately. It seems like they're just giving up, and that is NOT how you play baseball, I'm sorry.

I'm listening to Boys Like Girls right now :-) I've liked them for a while now, before everyone knew the Great Escape, but in no way are they 'my band'. I'm happy for them, that they are so big. It's cool when a band you've liked for a while really makes it.

All Time Low is getting to that point, and I'm convinced that Forever the Sickest Kids will, they're too good not to.
Speaking of those two sexy bands, I'm seeing them in three days!
It's almost two haha <3 This week is going incredibly slow, thanks to Warped and the Phillies being this weekend.

Oh, and just a note, I love hoodrat. She loves me too :-) She calls me greystache. Best friends? I think so. We've been best frandss since sixth grade, and only have grown closer over these last few years. I think we fought ONCE, and I wasn't even mad at her, I was mad at other people and took it out on her. I don't even COUNT that. We grew way way close in seventh grade, thank you Green Day <3 One of the many reasons I credit them with saving me...I wouldn't be sane without this girl, and we definitely got so close because of them. We sat on the phone for twelve hours one day of winter break and literally only said things along the lines of "Green Day is so amazing." Now we sit there and debate the meaning of life...we've come a long way! But we still make dirty jokes and you have to love us for it. ilygirll<3

Oh hey, Phillies being down 5-2 in the top of the ninth and having the bases loaded with no outs. Carlos, you wanna hit a grand slam? I'd love you forever <3



I want to make running my new passion.

I know, I know, I can't make anything my passion, but if I do it enough, I'll start to enjoy it and then I'll be passionate about it. Running is something that belongs to me. My other passions in this world belong to someone else, besides writing. I love music and I love sports, but they are someone else's passion that I have become infatuated with. Running and writing belong to me, no one else but me.

Running clears your mind, and you just let go of all your thoughts and pay attention to the rhythmic pounding of your feet on the pavement.

That's all, for now.



Monday, July 21, 2008

I'll be undressing you with every word....

I wrote All Time Low a letter today. It was for my own self, since I'm sure I'll never have the courage to give it to them. It revealed things a little to personal, so I wouldn't want to leave that as my lasting impression on one of my favorite bands. I'd give a letter like that to Green Day, because they have had such a profound affect on my life, plus I've been a fan for a while and my fandom is tried & true.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting my fandom for All Time Low, just saying that Green Day has always been there and always will be.

Pretty much, in the writing of the letter, I broke down. I'm a wreck, but I pick up the pieces every day and fix myself. I hate hate hate myself. This isn't a pity statement, because no one's reading this but me. I really do hate myself. I hate the way I look, and I hate the way I act. I hate the way I feel like I have to fight to keep a conversation alive, aside from a few people. I question myself all the time, and I feel like no matter what I do, I'll never fit in. I'm an outcast in my own mind, and if I can't even be the star of my own reality, who's reality can I star in?

I have a grand total of two friends. I know, popular girl. No guys fall at my feet; I'm ugly as hell and my personality matches, so I can see why. I really do hate myself. I feel bad, because I know that God created me and I should be happy with myself, but I'm not. You may not realize it if you're just talking to me, but I know it. I've lost the sparkle in my eyes. I used to la la love my eyes, but now I can barely look myself in the eyes. I disgust myself, can't see why I wouldn't disgust someone else.

I miss the old me, the one that didn't give a damn what other people thought...well, that still is me. I don't care what most other people say, but it does matter that I can't shove that voice to the back of my head, the one critiquing my every move - and that voice doesn't belong to anyone else.

It belongs to me.

And I need to stop that, but I don't know how. Someone save me? I can't rely on one comment from James Matthew Flyzik forever.

for now,
"Medically speaking, you're adorable."
-"Risque" - Cute Is What We Aim For

I got Flyzik's shirt today, but it wasn't Gagne, it was Richards. Hope he likes it :-) Four days till I can give it to him, which means FOUR DAYS TILL WARPED TOUR.
I am seriously so impatient. This day alone felt like four. At least I have something to distract me - I have to run and I'm hanging out with Caitlin two days before Warped.
The day before - that's going to kill. It's my dad's birthday, but I won't be seeing him at all. Hope I can find something to distract.

I'm still smiling because of yesterday. Matt Flyzik, I am forever indebted to you - hope that debt is paid off by the shirt though ;-) The shirt is a kid's XL, but I think it will fit him. He's a stick, plus he wears tight shirts. I bought an Eagles drawstring bag for Warped, so maybe Matt will say something about that ;-) I'm showing it to the dudes from FTSK, and if need be, I will get in an argument with them about football. I would NOT mind. Tony Romo can't win a playoff game anyways, stop blaming it on his girlfriends.

I'm done, I have nothing to say.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

best day of my life?

If not, it's pretty damn close.
I think the day that the Flyers won in OT against the Caps and the day the Phillies clinched the NL East outweigh this, but still.
Why was my day so great, you might ask?
James Matthew Flyzik, tour manager for All Time Low, commented me today :-)
Most famous person to ever comment me :-)

I'm watching the ESPY's right now, and Eli Manning looks so sexy. So does David Beckham...loved them forever, especially Eli. David has a great smile.

Anyway, I'm bored out of my mind.

The Phillies need to start scoring runs for Cole Hamels. This man lets up two runs, and they can't score for him. Ridiculous. You have Ryan Howard, NL RBI leader, and major league HR leader, and in the last three games, you've scored eleven runs combined. Absolutely ridiculous. You've gotten quality pitching, and can't make good on it.

Whatever, I'm done being mad. I'll just keep reading Flyzik's comment :-)

oh and five days till warped, six till photo day; and seven until phils with joe <3


Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm so excited!

I'm ridiculously excited for next week. I have like 3948934 good things happening. First off, my mom is finally switching my phone to the line with free texting! I start running on Monday for field hockey season, which is a blessing in disguise, I guess. Wednesday, I'm hanging out with Caitlin, who I haven't seen in FOREVER. Thursday, I need to find out what's going on. Friday is WARPED TOURRR with my best frandd. I'll give a list of who I'm going to see after this whole thing. Saturday, I'm going to the Phillies with my dad, stepmom, and their two friends for daddy's birthday <3

Here's who I'm going to see at Warped (order of need):
Forever the Sickest Kids
All Time Low
Cobra Starship
We The Kings
Story Of The Year

And here's who I'll check out if I have the time:
Say Anything, Relient K, Every Avenue, Katy Perry, Danger Radio, and the Audition.

July 25th, come faster?


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Well whuddddup?

Haven't updated since hockey season. someone's pounding on the door right now...i don't want to check who it is...i'm home alone. and kind of scared.

so i wrote this thing last night;
and it's entirely true.

sometimes i want to scream. sometimes i want to cry. sometimes i just want to laugh and smile.
it's perfectly normal to feel a wide range of emotions, right?
is it normal if you feel this wide range on a daily basis?

the answer is, i have no clue. i mean, i guess it is. as long as you don't go from one extreme to the other at the drop of a hat, right?

well the scary thing is, i do.

anyways, enough about my moodiness.

and people hate me. people are always going to hate me. i might as well get used to it. every mom will say 'well it's their loss'. well, i guess it is, but it's also mine too. mine because someone hates me, and theirs because they don't know the real me.

how am i so confident they don't know the real me?
because no one does. even if you put together the pieces i've given away to people, you won't complete the puzzle that is me.
