Sunday, November 30, 2008

New list

New list of bands I've seen live:
All Time Low (x4)
Forever the Sickest Kids (x3)
Jack's Mannequin
Cobra Starship
The Academy Is...
We the Kings
The Maine
Mayday Parade
Every Avenue
The Friday Night Boys
Sing It Loud
The Great American Soundtrack
The Goodnight Anthem
Hit the Lights
Treaty Of Paris
Family Force 5
Charlotte Sometimes
The Rocket Summer
The Matches
Jealousy Curve
Hey Monday
Carolina Liar
Kenny Chesney
Brooks & Dunn
Sara Evans (x2)
Alan Jackson
Montgomery Gentry (x2)

And by the end of the year, it will be one more for All Time Low, the Friday Night Boys, and Sing It Loud.
And Runner Runner and Mercy Mercedes.

Make it a sweet, sweet goodbye

Last night was AMAZING.

All right, we left my house around 4:45, got down there at like 5:20?
And we were in line in front of these girls that looked like they were ten, no lie.
They were wearing a concert?
We started talking to the girl in front of us, she was cool.
Her dad was funny!

Um, okay, we go in there and go in the crowd, on Kenny/Brooks/Jack's side.
So I turn around and I see Lauren but I was kinda like, awkward about saying something.
So I just kept turning around, hoping we'd make eye contact? Cause I'm a creep.
Then her friend yelled my name and I was like "HEYYYY!" and then she moved up with her two friends.
We kind of stood in a group and waited for the Friday Night Boys.
They played Chasing A Rockstar, Sorry I Stole Yo Gurl, That's What She Said, and High School. I think that's it.
Andrew looked FINEEEE. He didn't do his eye makeup all creepy, so that was nice.
Then Every Avenue came on.
I can't remember every song they played, but I know they did A Story To Tell Your Friends, Trading Heartbeats, Where Were You, Think Of You Later, Freak Out, and I can't remember what else.
During their set, Kenny runs by in his boxer briefs, for end of tour pranks, you know?
And then, they bring out a couch and Kenny and Pat and maybe Brooks? I'm not too sure, they sat on it in their undies. David was like "You guys don't have penises. If you look at my crotch closely, like realllly close, you can see mine. It's tiny!"
And then yeah.
The Maine came on, and Zack walked out and acted all odd and Zack-like. He took John's microphone and called us all sexy.
They played Girls Do What They Want, Everything I Ask For, I Wanna Love You [hey, John was SEXY during this], We All Roll Along, I Must Be Dreaming, and The Way We Talk.

Then it was time for Mayday! We got REALLY close, like three rows back and the security guard was giving out water, so we got some. We were right in front of Brooks, which was amazing.
They did Three Cheers For Five Years, Black Cat, Ocean And Atlantic, I'd Hate To Be You When People Find Out What This Song Is About, Miserable At Best, When I Get Home, You're So Dead, and Jersey.
During Miserable At Best, Derek was set up right near us, and I was like, looking sad and singing along and he kept looking at me? It was kind of odd, and then after that he kept coming over right in front of us and we made eye contact quite a few times. They were really really really amazing live, and I really want to see them again.

Thennnn before ATL, we almost fought some bitches, yanno? Cause this cunt was trying to push her way to the front and I was just like "Oh, helll no!"
And yeah, Matt looked so cute :D Only because we couldn't see his hair, he had a beenie on.
Then they came out. And at first it was just Ri-Daw, and then the rest of them came out.
Jack looked too cute :D And Zack was wearing a SHIRT, oh my God.
So they played Poppin' Champagne, Shameless, Jasey Rae, Coffee Shop Soundtrack, Holly (Would You Turn Me On?), The Party Scene, Six Feet Under The Stars, The Beach, Stay Awake, The Girl's A Straight-Up Hustler, Lullabies, the new song, Remembering Sunday, and Dear Maria, Count Me In.
Before Hustler, Evan kept fucking with them. Because Alex said something about it being an EPIC tour and they struck a pose, and then they wanted him to play music but it stayed silent? So they were like "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT, EVAN?" and then he played some random pop music and they started dancing, it was beautiful. Um, and before one of the songs, it might have been before Hustler, they were talking about sexual Jenga. And then Alejandro was like "Yeah, it'll be like, an impossible thing to do. Like, cum on Renee's tits. But the thing is, no one knows Renee. Is anyone here named Renee?" And a guy raised his hand and Jack was like "Security, cut his head off!" and then a girl raised her hand and Alex was like "What are you doing later? You wanna hang out, play some Jenga?"
It was great :D
During Remembering Sunday, all the other bands came out with like, flags and trees? It was so weird. Alex couldn't stop laughing, because before that, there were guys running around on stage with their pink tighty-whities on.

All in all, an amazing night :D

Friday, November 28, 2008

When the plane came in, she said it was crashing

So, I know I'm only a sophomore.
And I don't have to worry about SATs until next May, but to increase my vocabulary, I'm going so start doing a "word of the day", that I found on a website, and using it in a sentence.


(adjective) [BUMP-shahs]

1. offensively self-assertive; pushy; self-important: "The bumptious and slightly drunk employee planted herself square in the middle of the holiday party exit, ostensibly to discuss her promotion."

adverb form: bumptiously
noun form: bumptiousness

So, for my sentence:
After Thanksgiving dinner, we all understood why Mark was so bumptious. His younger brother was an even bigger prick than he!

Fun with words :D
I hate Thanksgiving, the whole concept of it.
It is such a fake holiday, because we all stand around and act like we want to see these family members, or say that we're thankful for things that we really take for granted. I don't want to interract with people I hate, so why should I? I mean, I guess that means I'm thankful I don't have to see them on a regular basis, but whatever. The fakeness of Thanksgiving is so different from the fakeness of Christmas. For the few weeks before Christmas, the Christmas spirit takes over everyone. Perhaps it's the cold weather, or the beautifulness of snow on the ground, but the crime rate goes down, and kindness goes up. However, for Thanksgiving, it is only one day and it's people FAKING happiness. I don't know, it's just such an annoying holiday. The only good thing about it is the football.

Which, speaking of, Central sucks. Terribly. They played yesterday, as is the tradition, against Northeast. They lost 38-0, and the only good part was the fight. That's right, a Central player shoved a Northeast player, and then a bench-clearing brawl erupted. That was actually amazing. I was walking back from the bathroom with Mariya, and then all of a sudden, everyone on the Central side started cheering. Then, I stood on my tip-toes, because I thought we were playing well or something, and BAM, there's kids rolling around on the grass. They had the cops come to break it up, and everything. They actually debated ending the game early, so that more tensions wouldn't arise. However, they let them finish out the game, with Northeast playing their 2nd string players.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Take this all the way, anyway you want to.

Why do people care so much about whether or not a band is nice?
Why does that matter?
I mean, they sit there and criticize the bands who aren't sitting there hanging out with their fans, but I praise those bands. It shows that they don't need to be accepted by their fans, and loved as individuals. There's a difference between loving and respecting the fans for supporting you, and becoming their bffs. Why does it matter to a band member if he has a bad interaction with a fan? I mean, doesn't it matter more if they have a bad interaction with the people they see every day? I would care more about my best friend's opinion of me than a total stranger I have met once.

When you get disappointed because a band was "rude" or "mean", it's pretty much your own fault. By expecting someone to be nice, you are setting yourself up to be let down. I know that's a pessimistic way to look at the world, but it's the truth. Unfortunately, with the way the world is today, you can't go into the real world and expect people to be nice to you. Notice how someone saying "Hi" and smiling at someone you don't know is considered an act of kindness, while ignoring a total stranger is a social norm. It is not possible to be nice to every single human being you run into, and the more you interact with, the more you are "rude" to.

And also, the girl's who claim a band member was mean don't even know what "mean" is. They get mad because someone didn't smile fully in their picture with them. I mean, I don't like taking a million pictures with people I know, and most people don't. What makes you think they should have to force a smile for a picture with a person that means little to nothing to them? You have no idea what their day was like, how can you judge them on one meeting? For all you know, someone close to them could have died. However, the show must go on. They can't just hide inside, because a lot of people prefer to repress their feelings on a situation for at least a day, and go through their normal routines and then just break down. I don't know, that's just how I feel.

I can not STAND when people stop listening to a band because they did not like their personalities. Why should the way they act towards you affect what pleases your ears? Obviously, you were a fan for the wrong reasons if that makes you stop listening to them.

OH AND THIS PISSES ME OFF THE MOST: Needing to meet the band at EVERY SINGLE CONCERT. I hate hate hate when I see girls post bulletins saying "Well, I guess it was a good show, but since I didn't meet so and so, the night sucked." SHUT THE FUCK UP, AND BE GLAD YOU WERE ABLE TO GO. To me, the live show matters more than the actual bands. I would so much rather see a great live performance and not meet everybody, than meet all of the band members and then find they suck live. It's a waste of money.

Dunno, just had to get that off my chest.

Monday, November 3, 2008

When the plane came in, she said she was crashing

By the end of the year, these are the bands I will have seen:
All Time Low (x5)
Forever the Sickest Kids (x3)
Cobra Starship
The Friday Night Boys (x2)
The Audition
The Maine
Mayday Parade
Every Avenue
The Academy Is...
We the Kings
Carolina Liar
Hey Monday
Hit the Lights
Sing It Loud
Charlotte Sometimes
Family Force 5
The Rocket Summer
Sonny Moore
The Matches
Jack's Mannequin
Treaty Of Paris
The Goodnight Anthem
The Great American Soundtrack
Jealousy Curve
Kenny Chesney
Sara Evans (x3)
Alan Jackson
Montgomery Gentry (x2)
Pat Green
Brooks and Dunn

and so many more I can't even remember.
And maybe the Scenic, and the Great American Soundtrack for the second time.

Jamie and John's wedding on Friday; I'm excited.
Wooohoo. Smiles are nice.