Saturday, February 2, 2008


"Money and success don't change people;
they merely amplify what is already there."
-Will Smith

This blog is going to be about Jonas changes.

To all you people who say they've changed:
Do you know them? Who are you to say they've done anything at all?
We don't know them; just the face they put up for the cameras. The only way to judge if a person has changed is if you know them, and get in their mind. Sure, they don't smile as much. They're stressed! Who can honestly say that if they were thrown into the same conditions that they wouldn't feel stress? Hell, I get stressed trying to remember a few facts for a test! They, along with the band, have to remember lyrics, chords, frets, names of people, all this stuff. I would be cracked after that! I would never smile, because I get testy when I don't get a full nights sleep. When they sleep, they sleep on a bus or a plane, and have to wake up early the next day to do it all over again. Now, I'm not saying they should complain. They're truly blessed to lead a life full of dreams being accomplished. But, Nick and Frankie NEVER got to experience a normal childhood. Frankie didn't choose this life. He doesn't get to play in sandboxes like normal 7-year-olds. Sometimes we take that for granted, just being normal. Not having to worry about what a whole MILLIONS of people will think of our every move. Yeah, Joe might not act as crazy as he used to. He's maturing, which you should do. Trust me, everyday I have to deal with a 52-year-old man that NEVER matured, and frankly, it's the worst. He acts like he's 2, and it's so damn annoying. If Joe stayed immature, then one day he would end up like that. It sucks.

Anyways, that's all for now on this topic.


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