Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm off the wagon and I'm hitchin' a ride

You know what I don't understand?
Why people freak out when their favorite "small" band goes on MTV or whatever.
If you're such a great fan, shouldn't you want success for them?
And then they get mad when MTV gets their information wrong...
that simply means you will ultimately be a better fan than someone who heard them on MTV and suddenly loves them.

Seriously, where bands such as The Academy Is... and All Time Low are at is NOTHING compared to where my favorite band stands success and popularity-wise.
Green Day is a HUGE band that did get big due to, in part, MTV. Mention their name, and nine times out of ten, someone will at least have heard of them. Mention All Time Low, and more than half of the people are like "HUH?".
The other thing that proves ATL isn't huge yet is the fact that most people don't feel the need to express their extreme hatred for them because they "sold out" to their fans, like people do with Green Day.

I don't know, this is scattered but people piss me off.